Article from Artsy newsletter...

I just read an article from the Artsy Newsletter.  My gallery owner in Canada, Deborah Boileau, has created a wonderful site for her gallery Sopa Fine Arts on Artsy.  The newsletter is sent out in the form of emails.  They are informative and they cover a myriad of subjects.

I read one this morning about some middle school children in the coal mining town of Whitwell, Tennessee who 20 years ago studied about the Holocaust.  They couldn't grasp the concept of how much 6 million was so they decided to collect paper clips.  That was twenty years ago and many different classes and now it is one of the most important Holocaust museums in the world.  The article was fascinating and touching.  The students are now planning an exhibition utilizing their "ordinary" objects using artists such as Ai Wei Wei as inspiration.  Good Luck to them!